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Showing posts from 2016

Hello Allo, I'm sorry I pressured your early release!

This week Google released their new mobile chat application called Allo . It was first announced in May at Google's annual developer conference Google I/O . Google made many promises including that Allo and it's 1 to 1 video chat app Duo , would be released this summer. I believe that this was Google's largest mistake in regard to it's messaging app Allo. It was released on the very last day of summer while Duo was released almost a month earlier. This would indicate to me that Google wasn't ready to release Allo just yet. I think that they were caught in the trap of saying when they would release something and as the summer neared it's end the pitchforks began to come out from the public wondering where Allo was. I was one of those people. From the moment it was announced I was excited, if not a bit confused, that Google was coming out with a smart messaging application. So I want to apologize to Google and all of the men and women who have worked really hard...